How CyberSTAR Tracks and Manages 8140 Data 

The Big Picture - CyberSTAR Contains all the Data


All 116 fields referenced in the 8140 Environmental Scan currently exist in CyberSTAR’s data model. An agency using CyberSTAR will find it straightforward to respond to this data call.


What is CyberSTAR?


CyberSTAR is a software as a service (SaaS) product built specifically to manage the complexities of aligning a cyber workforce to the DoD Cyber Workforce Framework (DCWF) and automating the qualifications tracking pursuant to DoDM 8140.03. It is Authorized and Provisioned for use in the DoD, and has been handling 8570/8140 for over 15 years. CyberSTAR tracks over 1 million cyber workers in large commands (ie. Army) and Fourth Estate agencies (ie. DCSA).


When an agency or major command with CyberSTAR responds to the 8140 Environmental Scan, each data item is known and accounted for in CyberSTAR’s data model.  Assigning the Authoritative System designation for each data item is the only decision an agency needs to make. For the purposes of designing a data integration strategy, the concept of Authoritative Source vs. Trusted Source should be considered.


Authoritative Source vs. Trusted Source


For a system to be “The Authoritative Source”, as the name implies, that system should be the place where the data element is officially created and modified (“authored”). Any system which relies on that data can become a “Trusted Source” if it employs an integration which reflects any changes from the authoritative source in a timely fashion, and of course, doesn’t allow for that data element to be modified.


There are 3 major data categories to consider when assigning the Authoritative Source designation; Manpower (14 elements) , Personnel (16 Elements) and Qualifications (82 Elements).


CyberSTAR is not Intended to be the Authoritative Source for Certain Manpower and Personnel Data, but Should be a Trusted Source


CyberSTAR is not intended to be the Authoritative system for certain Billet information (Unit Identification Code, Personnel Accounting Symbol (USAF Only), Civilian/Military Designator,Grade and Step, Pay Plan, Cyber Excepted Service (CES) Designator, Command/Agency Group Description.)


CyberSTAR is also not intended to be the Authoritative system for whether a billet/position is open or filled, and if filled which specific Personnel is in the position.


It is critical for CyberSTAR to become a trusted source for this subset of manpower and personnel data in order to ensure personnel are aligned with the approved position.


CyberSTAR Can be the Authoritative Source for Some Manpower Data, Specifically the Alignment of Cyber Coded Positions with DCWF Information.


The Authoritative System for DCWF position alignment is a decision that can be made during implementation, or throughout the lifecycle of CyberSTAR at an agency. The major consideration in this decision is how timely the DCWF data work roles, proficiency levels, etc will be changed in the Authoritative Source system and available to the Trusted Source systems.


Use Case: Individual held to 8140 Compliance requirements of Incorrect DWCF information


Consider a position which is coded with a specific DCWF work role and proficiency level, but the working environment changes (which will happen) and the operational manager needs to modify the DCWF role(s) or proficiency level to more accurately reflect the reality of the position.  If this change takes 6 months to a year to accomplish, the individual in the role will be held to obtaining or maintaining training or certification requirements which will not be required once the DCWF information accurately reflects reality. Latency of DCWF changes will exacerbate this situation.


CyberSTAR is the Authoritative Source for all 84 Elements of the Qualifications Tab.


Simply stated, CyberSTAR is the agency's Authoritative Source for implementing the requirements of the 8140.03 manual.  The data model is constructed to enable real-time understanding and reporting of the compliance posture of the cyber workforce in relation to 8140 across historical, present, and even predicting future timeframes.



High-Level Integration Strategy



Integration 1: Authoritative Manpower Systems and CyberSTAR


This integration is required, as indicated previously this ensures that CyberSTAR is operating with accurate Positions and Personnel alignment data.

Integration 2: Authoritative Manpower Systems and ADVANA


This integration could be accomplished in two different ways.


First, this data could come from CyberSTAR. Although CyberSTAR will not be the “Authoritative Source” for certain position and personnel data this data will already be in the system and CyberSTAR’s architecture includes a robust integration capability through its integration server.


Secondly, this integration could be pulled directly from the Authoritative Manpower Systems, but maintaining timing and synchronization with the data in ADVANA and CyberSTAR should be a consideration.


Integration 3: CyberSTAR to ADVANA


This integration will be necessary for all Qualification data and 8140 compliance posture of individuals. CyberSTAR will be the Authoritative Source for this information.  Reusing the same integration as Integration #1 erases any timing and synchronization complexities with position and personnel data.


Our solution consultants and data architecture team will work with each agency during implementation and throughout the lifecycle of the customer to design the proper data integration strategy.




Regardless of how an agency chooses to manage and report the 30 data elements from the position and personnel categories required to implement the 8140.03 manual, the more complex challenge is producing the other 82 data fields for representing each cyber worker's attainment of minimum cyber qualification.



The 82 elements in the qualifications section are the result of aligning the cyber workforce with the work roles, KSAT’s and qualification requirements defined in the dynamic 8140.03 manual. CyberSTAR solves the larger challenge as the agency's Authoritative Source for implementing the requirements of the 8140.03 manual.


  • The data model is constructed to enable real-time understanding and reporting of the compliance posture of the cyber workforce in relation to 8140 across historical, present, and even predicting future timeframes.
  • The configurable automation, notification and escalation features of the software shift the responsibility of keeping current with the minimum requirements to the individuals themselves, reducing the workload of management.
  • The product is updated monthly with new features, or updates to the regulation as work roles, qualification requirements or qualification types (training, certs, degrees) are added.
  • The product also extends beyond Military and Civilian roles to include another important element of the DoD cyber workforce.  Agencies can use a contracts module to assign DCWF work roles and the associated 8140.03 requirements to contractors through use of “appointment letters”.


If you'd like to better understand how to handle any element of the environmental scan, especially as it relates to the qualifications tab, click below to schedule a one-on-one call to discuss your specific needs.



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